book milk and honey review

Nick Creighton
4 min readSep 5, 2024

Milk and Honey: A Deep Dive into Rupi Kaur’s Masterpiece

book milk and honey review

Published in 2014, “Milk and Honey” has emerged as a groundbreaking work in the realm of modern poetry and literature. Authored by Rupi Kaur, a Canadian poet, writer, and illustrator of Indian descent, this collection of poetry and prose delves into the most intimate experiences of pain, healing, love, and femininity. It’s a book that has not only topped bestseller lists but has also become a beacon of light for many of its readers, offering solace and understanding in their own personal journeys. This review aims to explore the depths of “Milk and Honey,” examining its themes, style, and the profound impact it has had on its audience.

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The Structure of Milk and Honey

“Milk and Honey” is divided into four distinct sections, each serving a different purpose and exploring various aspects of the human experience. These sections are titled “the hurting,” “the loving,” “the breaking,” and “the healing.” This structure guides the reader through a journey that mirrors life’s own cycles of pain and recovery, love and loss. Kaur’s decision to organize her work in this manner not only makes the book accessible but also deeply relatable.

  • The Hurting: This section delves into experiences of pain, abuse, and neglect. It’s raw and unfiltered, making it a powerful opener for the book.
  • The Loving: As a contrast, this part explores love and sweetness, providing a sense of hope and warmth after the darkness of the first section.
  • The Breaking: Here, Kaur examines loss and the complexity of relationships. It’s a poignant reminder of love’s fragility and the pain of its absence.
  • The Healing: The final section offers solace and healing, encouraging self-love and acceptance. It’s a powerful conclusion that leaves the reader with a sense of hope and renewal.

Themes and Literary Devices

Rupi Kaur’s “Milk and Honey” is rich with themes that resonate on a universal level. Among these, the exploration of femininity and the female experience is particularly striking. Kaur does not shy away from discussing the societal and personal challenges faced by women, making her work profoundly feminist. Additionally, themes of love, loss, trauma, and healing are woven throughout the book, making it a deeply emotional read.

Kaur’s use of literary devices further enhances the impact of her poetry. Her style is characterized by its simplicity and accessibility, often employing lowercase letters and eschewing traditional punctuation. This minimalist approach, reminiscent of e.e. cummings, allows the raw emotion of her words to take center stage. Moreover, Kaur’s illustrations complement her poetry, adding another layer of meaning and emotion to her words.

Impact and Reception

Since its publication, “Milk and Honey” has sold over 3 million copies worldwide and has been translated into more than 25 languages. Its success is a testament to its universal appeal and the deep connection it fosters with readers. Many have praised Kaur for her honesty and vulnerability, stating that her work has helped them through difficult times in their own lives.

However, the book has not been without its critics. Some have argued that Kaur’s style oversimplifies complex emotions and experiences. Others have criticized the book’s marketing and the commodification of trauma. Despite these criticisms, “Milk and Honey” continues to be a source of inspiration and comfort for a vast audience.


“Milk and Honey” is more than just a collection of poems; it’s a movement. Rupi Kaur has crafted a work that speaks to the soul, offering a voice to those who have been silenced and a healing balm to those who are broken. Through her exploration of pain, love, loss, and healing, Kaur invites readers on a journey that is both deeply personal and universally relevant. While the book may not resonate with everyone, its impact on the world of poetry and its ability to touch the hearts of millions cannot be denied.

In a world that often feels devoid of understanding and compassion, “Milk and Honey” stands out as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of words to heal and transform. Whether you’re a long-time fan of poetry or someone looking for solace in the written word, Rupi Kaur’s “Milk and Honey” is a must-read that promises to leave a lasting impression.

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