nimona book review

Nick Creighton
4 min read2 days ago

Nimona Book Review: A Vivid Tale of Shapeshifting, Friendship, and Rebellion

nimona book review

At the heart of modern graphic novels, “Nimona” stands out as a vibrant, dynamic tale that combines humor, adventure, and deep emotional resonance. Written and illustrated by ND Stevenson (formerly Noelle Stevenson), this graphic novel has captivated readers with its unique characters, compelling storyline, and richly drawn world. This review delves into the essence of “Nimona,” exploring its themes, characters, and the impact it has had on its audience and the genre of graphic novels.

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The Storyline

“Nimona” introduces us to a medieval-futuristic world where science and magic collide. The story follows the titular character, Nimona, a shapeshifter with mysterious origins, who insists on becoming the sidekick to Lord Ballister Blackheart, a notorious villain with a vendetta against the Institution of Law Enforcement and Heroics. Blackheart, who once aimed to be a hero, finds in Nimona not just a sidekick but a friend who challenges his beliefs and methods. Together, they embark on a mission to expose the corruption within the Institution, leading to revelations that test their bond and the perceptions of heroism and villainy.

Themes and Analysis

“Nimona” is rich with themes that resonate with readers across ages. Stevenson masterfully weaves together narratives of identity, friendship, and the gray areas between good and evil. Through Nimona and Blackheart’s relationship, the novel explores the concept of understanding one’s true self and the power of accepting others for who they are. The dynamic between the characters also serves as a critique of traditional hero-villain dynamics, presenting a world where those roles are fluid and often misconstrued.

  • Identity: Nimona’s shapeshifting ability is a powerful metaphor for identity exploration. Her fluidity challenges the norms and expectations of society, making her a symbol of rebellion and self-discovery.
  • Friendship: The evolving relationship between Nimona and Blackheart is at the core of the narrative. Their bond, built on mutual respect and understanding, highlights the importance of connection and loyalty.
  • Morality: Stevenson doesn’t shy away from questioning the binary of good versus evil. Through its characters and plot twists, “Nimona” encourages readers to look beyond labels and consider the complexities of morality.

Character Development

The characters of “Nimona” are its beating heart. Nimona, with her unpredictable nature and hidden vulnerabilities, is a captivating protagonist. Her backstory, revealed in fragments, adds layers to her character, making her journey of self-acceptance universally relatable. Lord Ballister Blackheart, as her counterpart, undergoes significant growth. From a villain seeking revenge to a character grappling with his morals and affection for Nimona, Blackheart’s development is compelling and nuanced.

The secondary characters, including Ambrosius Goldenloin, the Institution’s champion with a complex relationship with Blackheart, add depth to the story. Their interactions and histories enrich the narrative, providing insights into the world Stevenson has created.

Artistic Style and Impact

Stevenson’s art in “Nimona” is as expressive as its story. The vibrant colors, dynamic panels, and emotive character designs contribute significantly to the novel’s impact. The visual storytelling, combined with the witty, sharp dialogue, enhances the narrative’s themes and character development. Stevenson’s ability to convey complex emotions and action through her art makes “Nimona” a standout work in the graphic novel genre.

The impact of “Nimona” extends beyond its pages. It has been praised for its representation of LGBTQ+ characters and themes, contributing to the ongoing conversation about diversity and inclusion in literature. Furthermore, “Nimona” has received critical acclaim, including nominations for prestigious awards, highlighting its significance in both the literary and comic book communities.


“Nimona” is more than just a graphic novel; it’s a profound exploration of identity, friendship, and the blurred lines between heroism and villainy. ND Stevenson has crafted a world that is both fantastical and deeply relatable, filled with characters that resonate with readers long after the story ends. The novel’s themes, combined with its striking art and compelling narrative, make “Nimona” a must-read for fans of graphic novels and anyone looking for a story that challenges conventions and touches the heart.

Whether you’re drawn to “Nimona” for its adventurous plot, rich character development, or its thematic depth, this graphic novel delivers on all fronts. It’s a testament to Stevenson’s talent and a reminder of the power of storytelling to explore complex issues with humor, heart, and humanity. “Nimona” is not just a story about a shapeshifter and a villain; it’s a narrative that challenges us to see the world, and those who inhabit it, in all their complexity.

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